“The Inflatable Treehouse is an online community that does a bunch of weird internet stuff. Everyone is welcome to get weird with us.”
— Anonymous
What is the Inflatable Treehouse?
It’s a time. And a place. And a food group.
No, it’s a bunch of people having fun online. On Thursdays we play Ungame, a group therapy board game from the 1970’s. Freddie built a robot people can order drinks from. Ray held me hostage for several hours. We put on a play by Winslow Dumaine letting anyone that wanted to be part of it. Someone that showed up was an opera singer so we turned it into a musical.
You know, whatever we want.
Here’s a video that Smercury edited to give a better sense:
Here is the play, in full.
Here is a more average stream, with us playing a game Charlie Rohrer made up where people have to guess the movie based on parental warnings on IMDB